Saturday, February 12, 2011

Double Bubble : February 2010

Double Bubble was a doeling that was born at our place out in CA before we moved to Oklahoma. She was named Double Bubble because her and her brother both were coming out in their sacs at the same time. 

Here is the post that my daughter did about Double Bubble's last days:


Lots going on...

Well, it was a sad weekend. Thursday afternoon Double Bubble, a 2 year old first freshener doe who was 106 days bred (due in March) aborted a baby. I don't know why. She was doing pretty good but seemed like she missed the baby, until Saturday afternoon when she went downhill. Her temp was very low, so we brought her in the house and treated her for a lot of things (Listeriosis & Goat Polio, Hypocalcimia). Her temp went up and she seemed to be a bit better. But she had not pooped all day and was straining. We tubed her electrolytes a couple of times, and late Saturday night we gave her a couple enemas. She did end up pooping. I was really tired after that and went to bed. Mom checked on her throughout the night. In the morning, she was looking terrible. She started having seizures and could not stand anymore. Her eyes were darting back and forth. Classic signs of a far-along case of Listeriosis, even though we were treating her for it. As the morning went on, the seizures got longer and worse and worse. She was just slowly going, and I could not just sit there and watch her suffer. So we decided to put her down... hard decision. Very sad. She was born at our place in California and was a bottle baby. . .

But, we are still extremely blessed with too much to name."

LESSONS LEARNED - Sometimes there are not many that can be learned. This was the case with Double Bubble. The -6 degree weather was just too much and she aborted and then went downhill before our eyes. We were treating her aggressively with all that we knew to do. Sometimes God just takes them out quickly. Maybe we shouldn't breed for kiddings in the cold, cold weather!

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